Water Ionizer Safety

Posted by: On March 28, 2017 7:00 am

My grandmother, like so many of her generation, was big on preserves and finding ways of storing any surplus for leaner times.  Part of the preserving process included canning, which meant that her pantry shelves were lined with dozens of bottles and jars containing everything from beans and artichokes, to jams and chicken.

Water Ionizer Safety
The FDA can’t keep up with our online spending habits.

Taking Responsibility

Among this vision of bucolic bounty, I remember my grandmother sternly telling me about why it was so vital to bottle foods safely.  The poisonous spores of botulism thrive where good canning practice isn’t followed, and that particular deadly toxin cannot be seen, smelled or tasted.

In other words, danger isn’t always immediately obvious. We …

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Water Ionizer Scams!

Posted by: On March 23, 2017 12:00 pm

Scratch beneath the surface of the claims made by many companies and you’ll find someone trying to rip you off. From “The Best Vacation Resort Ever!” to “The Greatest Steak You’ll Ever Eat!” — whole industries are built on pulling the wool over people’s eyes.

Water Ionizer Scams
Warning! Are you about to get scammed?

Ruthless People

Ionizer technology is relatively new, yet already there are companies who are ruthless about taking your money but not delivering the promised product.

But scams aren’t just about losing your hard-earned money; if you buy a cheap ionizer from China or Taiwan, then you’re putting your health at risk as well.  Chillingly, machines can be contaminated with deadly lead and imported with false “Lead Free” …

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What Is the Best Water Ionizer to Buy?

Posted by: On March 16, 2017 12:00 pm

Buying a water ionizer is a fairly major purchase for most people, and you want to make sure that you get the best, right?

But trying to sort the wheat from the chaff when it comes to buying an appliance can be tricky.

water ionizer
You’re only going to do this once, so buy the right water ionizer the first time.

Every manufacturer and supplier will tell you that they’re the best.  Each machine you look at will come with some spin on why you must buy that one.

So how is Tyent any different from those other companies?  After all, we’re pretty happy to tell you that we’re the best too!  If we just went ahead and said, “We’re the best,” …

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Top Water Ionizer System in the Health Industry

Posted by: On March 7, 2017 7:01 am

When something is embraced by some of the biggest names in the health industry, it’s time to sit up and take notice.

health industry
Guess what the health industry quenches its thirst with?

More health professionals than ever before are endorsing the incredible benefits of ionized hydrogen water; but which machine are they raving about?

You guessed it!  Tyent water ionizers are the choice of so many health professionals and practitioners that we can’t list them all here, but we wanted to give you an insight into what some of the leading lights in the health industry are saying!

Water Ionizer Times Two!

CEO of Willow Bend Fitness, Dave Greene was such a big believer in the benefits of the Tyent water …

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Water Ionizers From China or Taiwan…What You Need to Know

Posted by: On March 2, 2017 12:00 pm

We love a bargain as much as the next person.  Buying something fabulous for a lower price during a sale is great!  However, getting a sub-standard alternative just because it’s cheaper, isn’t so great.

In other words, cheap doesn’t always mean good value.

water ionizers
A deadly bargain?

East Asia and Water Ionizers

Water ionizers aren’t cheap, nor should they be. Ionizers have been imported from East Asia for over half a century, but which country those machines hail from matters enormously.

If you’ve had your head turned by one of the cheap models available from Taiwan or China, then put your wallet back in your bag and read on.

The Dangers Slipping Past the FDA

There is a real problem with …

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7 Top Water Ionizer Technology Must Haves!

Posted by: On February 23, 2017 12:00 pm

If you’re buying an ionizer then hold on to your wallet until you’ve read this.  There are seven major features that are essential to look for when buying an ionizer, so read on to make sure you buy wisely!

Water Ionizer Technology
Sleek looks and a hi-tech performance.
  1. The quality and performance of the plates in your ionizer cannot be stressed enough. Tyent solid/mesh hybrid plates are constructed from titanium and dipped multiple times in pure platinum for an unsurpassed performance.

“At Tyent USA, there is one thing that we know for sure—we have the largest, strongest, most reliable and most powerful plates in the industry.”

  1. Equally as important as the plates are the filters.  Tyent Dual Ultra filters remove 200 contaminants and
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Water Ionizer Test Results Revealed!

Posted by: On February 21, 2017 7:00 am

Remember that buzz of excited anticipation before finding out your exam or test results?  You put the work in, you did your best and you feel pretty confident, but you just never know…  Well, we hear you.

We have the Tyent test results right here.

Who’s Better…?

Click for a copy of our brilliant Cheat Sheet and take a look at the test results for yourself.  We listed the most vital features that you must look for when you buy an ionizer, and then pitched ourselves against the competition.  We don’t like to blow our own trumpet, but it’s fair to say that we outperformed every other top of the range ionizer on the market today.

Tyent ionizers are being …

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Water Ionizer Truth Exposed!

Posted by: On February 7, 2017 6:56 pm

Water ionizer technology, relatively speaking, is still a fairly new kid on the block.  Domestic ionizers have only really been available since the 1990’s, although the Japanese Government declared that water ionizers were to be classified as health-improving medical devices in 1966, with South Korea following suit a few years later.

hydrogen water
The benefits of hydrogen water go back thousands of years.

However, the way that the benefits of ionized alkaline water are understood have changed since the earliest ionizers were manufactured.

Hydrogen, Not pH, is Key

In what resembles an about-turn from the medical establishment over recent years, hydrogen is now acknowledged as being the key element in terms of vital health benefits, rather than – as was thought until …

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Water Ionizers by Tyent USA: a Cheat Sheet

Posted by: On February 2, 2017 12:00 pm

Who doesn’t love a Cheat Sheet?  Who doesn’t need one every now and then?  Life is always throwing new stuff at us, and there isn’t always time to stop and download and process everything properly.  This conundrum is beautifully expressed in the words of Homer.  No, not that Homer.

“Every time I learn something new, it pushes some old stuff out of my brain.”                                                                    

~ Homer Simpson

water ionizers
Does this feel like your average day?

Cheating Allowed! 

Cheat Sheets basically help us to cut to the chase and focus on the salient facts while leaving out the less important stuff.  When it comes to Tyent Ionizers, our Cheat Sheet is perfect to avail yourself of the essentials, in the …

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What Is a Water Ionizer?

Posted by: On January 31, 2017 7:00 am

Going back to basics is often a brilliantly useful exercise.  We talk a lot about the wonders of hydrogen in ionized water, specifically the effect that all of those antioxidants have on your body and the myriad ways that your health can improve as a result of drinking Tyent water.

what is a water ionizer
What does “going to back to basics” mean to you?

Maybe every now and then, we should look more closely at the source of all these incredible benefits.  After all, how much do you really know about how ionized water is actually produced?

What’s Inside an Ionizer?

That super-sleek finish of the under counter or countertop ionizer conceals the compartments where the magic all happens!

A Tyent ionizer is …

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