Water Ionizer Videos – What Makes them Work?

Posted by: On December 22, 2016 12:00 pm

Something nice to do during the holiday season is hunkering down and watching a movie that uplifts you, tugs at your heartstrings or makes you laugh out loud.

Netflix?  Nope.  Tyent.
Netflix?  Nope.  Tyent.

Tyent on Film

And so it is with Tyent Water Ionizer videos.  Have you checked any out recently?  One or two are mini-works of art; others are hilarious and informative at the same time and some have jaw-dropping facts to amaze you with.

In the spirit of all of this, we wanted to share one of our current favorite videos, and take a closer look, to discover just why it has so much positive feedback.

Happy Holidays?

First of all, even though it’s categorically not about Christmas …

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Tyent Water Ionizers Versus the Competition, Part 10: Water Ionizer vs. Other So-Called Healthy Beverages

Posted by: On December 20, 2016 7:00 am

Just before the holiday celebrations really begin, we’re not just wrapping presents; it’s also a wrap on our 10-part series on how water ionizers compare to other drinks and machines on the market. We aim to present the facts and let you decide for yourself which option is best for you!

They’ll laugh even more when they realize that they’ve bought each other a Tyent Ionizer.
They’ll laugh even more when they realize that they’ve bought each other a Tyent Water Ionizer.

The Healthy Choice?

Today, we’re taking a look at “healthy drinks” and examining the claims and the reality.  When people talk about healthy options, they usually mean low-fat, low-sugar or something that contains fresh ingredients.

The best of the bunch is a freshly-made juice or smoothie, made primarily from vegetables, with a little …

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Tyent Water Ionizers Versus the Competition, Part 9: Water Ionizer vs. Tap Water

Posted by: On December 13, 2016 7:00 am

We’re nearing the end of our series on how ionized water compares to other types of drinking water, and today we’re examining the most obvious one – tap water.

Contaminants on tap?
Contaminants on tap?

The issues surrounding municipal water have dominated the news in an unprecedented way over the last few years.

Tap Water is Cheap and Convenient

Let’s look at the good to start with.  It’s cheap.  It’s right there, flowing out of your taps with no fuss, just like it has for years.

Except for many people, the water isn’t so good to drink anymore.  America’s pipework is old and was built for the populations of major towns and cities as they were then, not now.

There’s a Crack in

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Tyent Water Ionizers Versus the Competition, Part 8: Water Ionizer vs. Well Water

Posted by: On December 8, 2016 12:00 pm

We’re nearing the end of our 10-part series on how ionizers compare to other types of drinking water, but we still have a few more options for you to think about!

Just how safe is well water?
Just how safe is well water?

Looking Well?

Today, we’re looking at the pros and cons of drinking water from your own well.  Firstly, the major plus is that you’re off grid; you have your own water supply and no more water bills.  You and your family can drink water that isn’t part of America’s beleaguered water network, and perhaps that’s looking more and more attractive?

But it’s wrong to think that well water is somehow inherently safer than it’s municipal counterpart.  Back in the day, maybe it …

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Tyent Water Ionizers Versus the Competition, Part 6: Water Ionizer vs. A Whole House Filter

Posted by: On December 1, 2016 12:00 pm

We really hope you’re enjoying our series on all of the alternatives to water ionizers on the market today, and how they compare to Tyent machines!

Is it possible to protect your whole house from unsafe water?
Is it possible to protect your whole house from unsafe water?

Is a Whole House Filter the Answer?

Right now, we’re going to take a look at a pretty tempting-sounding option in these times of worry and fear about what’s lurking in our source water – a whole-house filter.

If you want the peace of mind that comes from knowing that the water flowing from your main pipe is being filtered before it hits the taps or the shower, then we understand that.  Clean water is routed around your home, without the need for …

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Tyent Water Ionizers Versus the Competition, Part 4: Water Ionizer vs. Reverse Osmosis System

Posted by: On November 24, 2016 12:00 pm

We really hope that you’re all enjoying our “How Does an Ionizer Compare to…” series as much as we’re loving putting it together!  We try to be as big on information as we are broad, so hopefully you feel as though you’re getting a clear picture and enough pointers to make an informed decision.

With that in mind, we’re going to take a look at a well-known alternative to a water ionizer – a reverse osmosis system.

We give you the facts. You make the decision.
We give you the facts. You make the decision.

How Great is Reverse Osmosis Water?

Regular readers will know that we’ve talked about RO water before.  As then, we feel the need to acknowledge its immense value in challenging environments: …

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Tyent Water Ionizers Versus the Competition, Part 3: Water Ionizer vs. A Water Pitcher

Posted by: On November 22, 2016 7:00 am

How are you enjoying our series on how well Tyent water ionizers compare to just about every other form of water gadget or machine on the market?  We want you to make up your own mind about which one comes out on top.  So we’re giving you the facts to let you decide for yourself!

Drink Water. Close Up Man Pouring Water Into Glass. Hydration

A Clear Pitcher?

The third comparison we’d like to make is with a standard water pitcher with an integral filter.  You can pick these up pretty much anywhere; the initial cost is low, and there are no installation requirements.  In terms of features, some are more stylish than others, although obviously, that’s pretty subjective.  The important thing is its filtration capabilities.

What Are You Trying

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What Does a Water Ionizer Really Do?

Posted by: On October 27, 2016 12:00 pm

We rightly focus a great deal on what ionized alkaline water does for you, but less so on the actual ionizer itself.  We know that an ionizer produces alkaline water, but how does it do that?  What goes on inside the machine that produces such amazing results?  Let’s find out!

Don’t expect these plates to ionize your water.
Don’t expect these plates to ionize your water.

Free Water Report!

The first thing to remember is that an ionizer works with your existing water supply.  Step one, when you decide to purchase an ionizer, is to obtain one of our free water reports.  Once you’ve decided whether to opt for an under-counter or counter top model, the ionizer is plumbed into your water supply.

How It

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Will My Water Ionizer Work with Reverse Osmosis?

Posted by: On October 25, 2016 7:00 am

We’ve written about Reverse Osmosis (RO) water here before, and truth be told, it hasn’t always been in exactly glowing terms.  In short, RO water is entirely free of vital minerals, so while it’s great in an emergency, drinking it frequently, over any significant period of time, can actually cause harm.

Reverse Osmosis water can be safe if used with an ionizer.
Reverse Osmosis water can be safe if used with an ionizer.

Bringing Dead Water Back to Life?

But here’s an interesting thing.  Reverse Osmosis water can be revived from it’s somewhat “dead” state by flowing through an ionizer. RO water is clean, but devoid of goodness.  Running clean Reverse Osmosis water through your ionizer  will re-mineralize and stabilize the water, making it safe and good to drink, …

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What Is a Water Ionizer System? Explained!

Posted by: On October 6, 2016 12:00 pm

It’s possible that although you know about ionized water and the benefits of drinking it, the finer details of how alkaline water is actually produced by that sleek and shiny appliance might be less clear.

Nope.  I'm still not sure which bit the water comes out of.
Nope.  I’m still not sure which bit the water comes out of.

With that in mind, we thought we’d take a look at exactly what an ionizer is, and what goes on inside it!

How Does it Work? 

An ionizer can be fitted above counter level, or tucked away out of sight below your counter; it’s really a matter of personal preference.  It is plumbed into your existing pipework although it almost always has it’s own control panel to actually draw the water.  …

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